Nobile Contrada dell'


It confers upon it self the title of NOBLE thanks to an instance of the Civic magistracy which approved on March 23 1846 because of:
- the value proved by its soldiers during the battles of Montemaggio (1145),
- Montaperti (1260) after which had the title of "Governor"
- War of Siena (1552-1555)
- because of the building, at its own expense, the famous waterworks called "Bottini".

Incorporated by

The goose coming from the habit to grow goose for alimentary use and for their feathers.

Coat of arms
Golden badge with a goose standing on a green garden surmounted by a royal crown, at its neck a blue ribbon from which the silver Savoy cross with at its interior the red and silver cross of Umbert I, allowed during his trip of 1887.

White and green flag bordered in red.

Clangit ad arma (Call to arms).


Lucky number


Patrono Saint and feast day
Saint Catherine from Siena, April 29 (celebrated on the second Sunday of May).

Third of belonging
Terzo di Camollia

Contrada Association
"Trieste", Via Santa Caterina, 55 

Historical seat and museum
Vicolo del Tiratoio, 13

Horse house (stable)
via Santa Caterina, 65

Built between 1464 and 1474 from the inhabitants of Fontebranda, inside the first floor of the house where Saint Catherine was born. 

Baptismal font
The Contrada baptism take place in the Fontebranda fountain (XII-XIII Century) situated in the same street.

Website link

the NewsPaper
Siam delle Fonti (since 19 september 1970)

Twinned with the city Trieste.

Storia e costumi delle Contrade di Siena di Antonio Hercolani
  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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