Nobile Contrada dell'


The entire Fonteblanda Crusade is called the Contrada of Saint Anthony Abbot; it extends from the parish church of said Santo from the upper part to the road of the Baths, now of the Art of the Wool, and from the one in the face to Diacceto, and from below to the Fonteblanda Door, it is a red field with two lists for arms of gold, and two golden balls with Saint Anthony above.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Antonii: campus azurrus cum duabus listis croceis et duabus pallis croceis cum Sancto Antonio desuper.

San Pellegrino

Finally we will place the district of Saint Pellegrino, which from the said Parish Church occupies the entire road of the Baths, called the Arte della Lana, up to the Sapienza, makes for arms a red cross on a white field with two small shields, in one the arms of the Municipality, in the other that of the People.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Peregrini: campus albus cum cruce rubea cum duobus scutis, uno ad arma comunis et alio ad arma populi.


These two Contradas joined together represent a machine distinct from a goose, acclaimed for Insegna for the multitude of geese, which the inhabitants comfortable with the waters raised for those Contradas. This goose-shaped machine is ancient since 1536 when it appeared in the square to a hunting of bulls, and after the party was over, it came into contention, and then to arms with the giraffe. The year 1546 appeared with 130 young men dressed in clothes incarnated with a green band, and the insignia was all green with a golden frieze, inside there was a silver goose, and they were driving a large machine in the shape of a goose. white. The year 1650 led a chariot, above which was Glauce famous singer of King Ptolemy of Egypt, who with his graceful song made the goose fall in love, and was accompanied by many singers, players, and superbly dressed Nymphs, of which some brought back a rich prize. There are many festivals, which showed the people this Contrada, as was the year 1673 which showed a large fireworks machine as a sign of joy for the victory obtained. The youth of these Contradas has always been the most valiant militia that served the Republic of Siena, and particularly in the war of Camollia in the year 1526 where our city was besieged by its escapees, helped, and fomented by many Italian powers, which on that occasion put 900 men to arms, which were the main reason for that victory. For the particular devotion, which these Contradas always showed towards our holy fellow Catherine, they were granted by the public the oratory built by the same year in 1465 in honor of said Saint, where he had precisely the workshop of Tintoria Jacomo Benincasa father of the same.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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