Contrada della


Originally the colors of this Contrada were yellow and black, like a tortoise shell but had to be changed to white and yellow in 1847 and then to the present colors in 1858 for political reasons.

It symbolizes the earth both in ancient Chinese and Asian tradition and in the alchemy and magic of the Middle Ages. Its appearance is similar to that of the symbol of equilibrium in the Christian Church (also apparent from the holy water font by Antonio Federighi in the cathedral). Tradition attributes its origin to the ensign on the imperial standards of the Roman legions which occupied the ancient Etruscan fortress (of Siena). It replaced the sacred snake of Jupiter which had been on the early black and white emblems of the city for many years.

The military companies of the Contrada are famous for their heroic gesture in the insurrection which brought about the overthrow of the Spaniards, commemorated on a plaque placed by the Tartuca people at Porta Tufi on the 4th centenary anniversary of this glorious event.

The Contrada Seat is in via delle Murella which today is called Tommaso Pendola after the person who introduced a new teaching method for the deaf and dumb and founded a large institute in that area.

The Patron Saint of the Contrada is Saint Anthony of Padua. In ancient times its inhabitants meet in the Church of San'Ansano (Chiocciola territory) which is next to the tower where Ansano Battista of Siena was imprisoned by the Proconsul Lisia.

There is a valuable engraved frontal on the great altar in the present Oratory of Saint Anthony of Padua built by the Contrada in 1682. The collection of gold and jeweler and holy furnishings and ornaments is of great interest. The Seat of the Contrada houses a fresco by Enzo Casarini (1961).

The figures in bronze on the baptismal font is the work of the sculptor Bruno Buracchini (1951).

The Tartuca is considered one of the oldest Contradas to have occupied one of the three original centers of the city. The first cathedral of Siena, dedicated to San Bonifazio was built in Castelvecchio and the first bishops Lucifero, Floriano, Bosto and Eusepio had their Seats here. The castles of the Tegoli and of the Conti di Tintinnano families were also built here.

In 1959 the city of Trento was "twinned" with this Contrada.

The "Società" is called "Castel Senio" after the legendary founder of the city of Siena.

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  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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