Contrada Capitana dell'


Music by Giovanni Bonnoli - Lyrics by Ezio Felici (1928)

Long live to wave of the sky and the sea
you mirror the divine smile,
the victory that finally gave you up
pay the heart of the long anxiety.

You in homage to Euterpe won
the fierce strong loyal battle,
no other Contrada will match you
in the affection of their colors.

From our soul
strong and cheerful
long live to Onda
let's all shout.

The greatest patron watches over you,
Siena is honored in the world for you
of Duprè who falls in love with faith
with the beautiful immortal "Pietà".

When in "Campo" between the other Contrade,
with your vague customs you come down,
every look you chain and turn on
the deepest enthusiasm in the hearts.

From our soul
strong and cheerful
long live the wave
long live the wave
let's all shout.

  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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