Contrada della

San Donato Presso la Chiesa

The Contrada of Saint Donato to the side of the Church, occupies the entire coast of Vallerozzi with Borgo Franco, and surrounds the Salimbeni houses, now Dogana, makes a spino white and black field for arms.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Donato iuxta ecclesiam: ad spinos albi et nigri.


From the top of Vallerozzi the whole road called la Posta to the Buoninsegni house, now in the Taja opposite that of the Francesconi, and then from the right to the Piazza del Conte, and the Strada degli Umiliati, where the Nuns of Santa Petronilla are, and then Saint Lorenzo, up to Borgo Franco, is called the Contrada of Saint Andrew, and makes for arms white field with rampant red lion.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Andree: campus albus cum leone rubeo coronato.


These two districts for having the Publico built in the year 1511 on the Vallerozzi coast the Church of Saint Rocco, and raised the Insignia, which uses in memory of the Cologne, that is the She-Wolf, therefore they represent it by machine in the shows, which the year 1582 they still erected it in a column opposite the aforementioned church. Many are the sumptuous extras of these Contradas, including those of 1546 which fielded 66 young men dressed in white livery, and in 1599 who represented Mars, and Venus accompanied by Saturn, of which he received the Prize. He also obtained another Prize in 1601 and in 1650 in the arrival in Siena of the Most Serene Princes appeared with 60 Men, who accompanied a chariot, above which was Mars, Venus, and Vulcan who with his cyclops beat on an anvil, and in the face of the same chariot there was a she-wolf, and Romulus, and Remus, who caressed it.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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