Contrada Priora della

San Vigilio

The Contrada of Saint Vigilio starts from Piazza della Staffa, and it always comes left along the road behind the Castellare Ugurgieri, and reaches the Arco dei Rossi, where for Piazza Tolommei next to San Cristofano on top of Calzoleria, return behind the Church, from where it takes its name; makes for arms blue field with golden griffin with red nails.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Vigilii: campus azurrus cum grifone croceo et unguibus rubeis.

San Pietro in Banchi

From the Parish Church of Saint Peter alle Scale, now called Saint Peter in Banchi, it takes the name of the Contrada, which starting from the Renaldini alley surrounds the square up to the Costarella, where returning to the back along the Banchi street always right hand arrives in Tolomei Square, and he turns to the road of Saint Vigilio, and returns to the said alley Renaldini, makes for arms a blue field with a transverse golden scale, and with four golden keys, two above, and two below on the Cross.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Petri scalarum: campus azurrum cum schala crocea ex transverso et cum quatuor clavibus croceis in duabus postis.


Since 1546, these two Contradas have always been costumed to represent an Owl for them Machine in the Hunts, and in that Year he appeared with 54 People, Captain of whom was Grazio Ugurgieri, and Alfiere Girolamo Bindi, who wielded a red, bertino, it's white. The year 1673 represented above a Chariot Minerva to be the Owl dedicated to her, and received the Prize for such appearance.

San Cristoforo

The Contrada takes its name from the Church of Saint Cristofano, which starts from Tolomei Square on the left hand towards the first Arch of the Rossi, and enters the street called Piazza dell'Erba from both sides of the houses up to San Pellegrino, where left to the Codennacci alley, and enter the Ufiziali road, and return to the said Tolommei Square; for arms blue field with golden lion, and red rake from the head with three golden lilies.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Cristofori: campus azurri cum leone croceo et cum liliis et rastrello a capite.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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