Nobile Contrada del


From 1841 it confers upon itself the title of Noble because of the following reasons:
- The helping of its armies during the battle that took place in Croce del Travaglio, in 1369, in order to chase away the Emperor Carl IV of Bohemia.
- The riot led from Francesco d'Agnolo called Barbicone in 1371, when the "Monte del Popolo" came to power.

Incorporated by

The caterpillar, deriving from the old guilds of the silk spinners and wool manufacturers.

Coat of arms
A golden badge with a caterpillar crawling on a twig with green leaves, crowned at the Grand-duke manner; head with a red and silver quartering to the cross with a red and silver quartering.

Yellow and green flag bordered in light blue.

⇒ Be a noble Contrada in the battle against proud people.
⇒ My name sounds like revolution.


Lucky number

Silk spinners

Patrono Saint and feast day
Visitation of the Blessed Mary "Madonna della Disciplina Maggiore" July, 2nd (celebrated on the second Sunday of July).

Third of belonging
Terzo di Camollia

Contrada Association
"L'alba" (The Sunrise) - 44, Via del Comune 

Historical seat and museum
Via del Comune, 44

Horse house (stable)
vicolo degli Orbachi, 5

Built in 1680 in Via del Comune, it is dedicated to the Blessed Name of Jesus (officiated since 1669)

Baptismal font
The Contrada use the ancient fountain of Saint Francesco restored in 1978 by Lorenzo Borgogni. It has got a sculpture by Angelo Canevari representing the legendary leader Barbicone. It is located right in front of the Vicolo degli Orbachi.

Website link

the NewsPaper
Barbicone (since may 1962)

Storia e costumi delle Contrade di Siena di Antonio Hercolani
  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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