Contrada del

San Giorgio

The Contrada of Saint George extends from the Church, where it takes the name on the right hand, up to the square of the Staffa, or up to Saint Virgil, makes arms red field with Saint George on horseback in the act of killing the dragon, and two swords in the said field.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Georgii: campus rubeus cum Sancto Georgio equite cum duabus spatis, una ante et alia retro eum.


The Contrada in front of that of Saint George, from the Pagliaresi road near the bridge on that side to the Renaldini road called Chiasso Large, is called the Contrada of Pantaneto, and makes for arms blue field with golden leopard in it, and with golden lilies throughout.

Concistoro anno 1420: Pantaneti: campus azurri et cum leopardo aureo et cum liliis aureis sine numero.


The two Contrade of Saint George and Pantaneto represented more fortunes than Cars, that is, when a Star, and when a Unicorn, or Leopard, as they did in the year 1546 in the hunting of bulls made in the large square, where under their captain Bartolommeo Piccolomini appeared in n. of 57 crimson cloth dresses. The sign was all red with white Unicorn, which Muzio Landucci wore, and they had the Machine in the form of a Unicorn, and this Sign was taken from the Contrada of Pantaneto, used by the same since ancient times.


The road of Saint Martino is divided into two Contrade, that is, from the mouth of Porrione in Piazza to the road of the San Martino band, the Spadaforte Contrada is said, so called by Spadaforte one of the Lords of Sticciano, who had in this Contrada their ancient palace; makes for arms red field with white scale with black patches with two white swords.

Concistoro anno 1420: Spate Fortis: campus rubeus cum scala albi cum petiis nigris et duabus spatis in campo.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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