Contrada Sovrana dell'


It confers upon itself the title of SOVEREIGN from April 30th 1980 per concession of the Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Company of Malt Angelo de Mojana of Cologna.

Incorporated by

In 1506 he showed up to hunt the bulls with a porcupine-shaped machine probably to pay homage to the King of France Louis XII, whose coat of arms was a porcupine, protector of the then Lord of Siena Pandolfo Petrucci.

Coat of arms
Silver badge with a porcupine crawling on green grass. The animal is surmounted by an ancient fashion crown, two roses of Cyprus, a light blue Savoy knot and the white cross of the Sovereign Military Company of Malt.

White flag decorated with red, black and blue scrollwork.

I sting just for defence.


Lucky number


Patrono Saint and feast day
Saint Bartholomew Apostle, August 24th (celebrated on the 4th Sunday of August).

Third of belonging
Terzo di Camollia

Contrada Association
"Il Leone" (The Lion) - 209, via Camollia. 

Historical seat and museum
Via Camollia, 89

Horse house (stable)
via Malta,13

Situated in Via Camollia, It was the old church dedicated to Saints Vincenti and Anastasio, probably built in 1144. 

Baptismal font
Work by Vico Consorti, made in 1962, situated in Via Malta, it has the motto carved on it.

Website link

the NewsPaper
L'Aculeo (since 1972)

Twinned with the city Perugia.

Storia e costumi delle Contrade di Siena di Antonio Hercolani
  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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