Contrada Sovrana dell'


This Contrada received the title "Sovrana" (Sovereign) in 1980, when the Great Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra' Angelo de Mojana di Cologna, granted the privileges of adding the Order's octagonal cross to the Contrada Coat-of-Arms and to the cloak of the "Duce".

These privileges were due to the close relations which, in the past, had linked the Order's presence in Siena to Istrice territory. From 1322 to 1809 the Order was active in hospital work which was carried out next to the Chiesa della Magione. These privileges were also due to the close relations with the Contrada itself which in 1823 was given permission to use, as its Seat, the Chapel dedicated to the Presentation at the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (called San Domenico) which was also next to the above-mentioned Church.

Its Seat is in via Camollia and its Patron Saint is San Bartolomeo. The Church which has undergone numerous restoration works and modifications dates back to 1144. It contains the tomb of the famous artist Bernardino Betti, nicknamed "Pinturicchio" (1454-1513) and a Madonna with Child believed to be by Sano di Pietro. In former times the Seat of the Contrada was in the Church of Fontegiusta and then moved to the Church of San Bartolomeo near Porta Camollia and finally, in 1788) to the present day Church dedicated to San Vincenzo and San Anastasio.

The architect-artist Baldassarre Peruzzi (1481-1536) lived on this territory and the great Pope Alexander III (Bandinelli Paparoni who reigned from 1159-1181) was born here.

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