Nobile Contrada dell'


Music and lyrics by Carlo Sottili

Immense crowd that crowds Piazza
doubts can you have? If big Eagle runs ...
His victory is certain: because he has wings
and ahead everyone will always remain.

Even if the Palio is often fought,
with a winged horse: what can you do?
It is the light blue, yellow and black Aquilon
that you will often see first.

Eagle flies,
who among you taller could still go?
Almost bewitched,
all the districts remain to admire.
If you are ruler of the air, you will be from the Piazza,
the most beautiful and always the first, who can get you the most?

Our bird,
it is the most beautiful and has no equal in the world
who fights with his rostrum,
soon won in the dust will fall!

Golden jacket, with imperial symbols
what daring darts, in hard tenzon:
you can't be afraid, even if the biggest ones,
dictates the law and wants to be masters.

Then comes the day that true value,
of a Contrada to shine already knows;
and the light blue yellow and black big Eagle,
first of all, they see it coming!

  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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