Contrada della

Porta all'Arco

The Contrada of the streets of the Murella, and of the Masters, is called Porta all'Arco with a red sign, with a white cross across it.

Concistoro anno 1420: Porte Arcus: campus rubeus cum cruce alba ex transverso.


The Contrada of Saint Agata, takes its name from the ancient Parish Church (now united with Saint Agostino) of Saint Agata, which from the Church of Saint Niccolo, called Saint Lucia, extends along the road of the Cerchia, up to the Door to the Arch, and ends at Tufi Door, which uses a red field sign with a white cross across it, and above Saint Agata.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancte Agate: campus rubeus cum cruce alba ex transverso cum Sancta Agata super ea in campo aureo.


The aforementioned two Contradas joined together have represented a turtle since the year 1546, when they appeared with 80 people dressed as soldiers in that famous festival, which, according to the speaker, cost the Republic forty thousand shields, although by foreigners it was judged more of one hundred thousand, and the year 1599 brought back the prize, of which appearance I will not talk about it further to be known to all for public press, since still the year 1676 obtained another prize for the appearance, and in 1717, it represented in chariot many heroes of Greece, such as finding themselves at the siege of Troja, invented the game of chess, alluding to the turtle, which over its hard last forms the chessboard. The inhabitants of these districts in the year 1676 separated from the Oratory of Saint Ansano, for their particular devotion, erected an Oratory in honor of Saint Anthony of Padua, well adorned with stuccos, and paintings.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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