Contrada Sovrana dell' Istrice

Italiano -
Magione del Tempio

The Magione Contrada, from the road next to the Church of Saint Peter, arrives at the city walls, where on the road of Ficareto, which is the Madonna di Fonte Giusta, where the Porta di Pescaja was, passes through the road called the Vicolo di Charles V next to Saint Vincenti, and then to Paparoni Square arrives in Monte Guathiano up to the city walls, next to the Camollia Door, and here from the left he returns to the Magione, making a red bar as a shield on a white field.

Concistoro anno 1420: Mansionis Templi: campus albi cum lista rubei.

San Bartolomeo

The Contrada of Saint Bartolomeo extends little, since before it occupied the Castellaccia outside the Camollia gate in the Francigena road, which was destroyed in the last war of Siena, only those houses remain, which from the Parochial Church of said Saint on the right are still standing, he makes two branches of black lion with red nails on a white field as a weapon.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Barthalomei: campus albi cum duabus branchis nigris in cruce et ungulis rubeis.


As early as 1516 these two Contradas costumed to appear with a machine distinct from an porcupine, and in 1546 they appeared with 70 Men dressed honorably in Pavonazzo, and yellow, under the Capocaccia Pompeo Paccinelli, and their sign was white-striped, and black with red cross brought by Giulio Venturi. In other times then he gave to the people to see more shows, among which some of 1581 are described with a particular report by Evandro Benvoglienti.

Santo Stefano

The so called Contrada takes its name from the parish church of Saint Stefano, from which the Church extends on the right hand along the main road to the Francesconi house, where it turns, and occupies the whole hill of Saint Prospero, where there is the Fortress, it is a white field with crosswise blacklisted weapons, similar to that of the Ghiazzani family, as the owner of the Church had founded it for.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Stefani: campus albus cum lista nigra.

San Vincenti

Saint Vincenti occupies from the Church, so called, the whole road of Campansi up to Monte Guathiano, then for Paparoni square it returns to the said Parish Church of Saint Vincenti; makes for arms red field with white list with red teeth.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Vincenti: campus rubeus cum lista albi cum dentellis nigri in ea.