Nobile Contrada del Bruco

Italiano -
San Pietro a Ovile di Sotto

The other Contrada, which is named Saint Peter in Uvile di sotto, occupies all the coasts called hub of the Asini, and in the middle, up to Piano d'Uvile, where is the Church of Saint Biagio, and on the road of above from the right-hand door of Saint Francis, where the source in the crusade is in common with the aforementioned, it reaches the Abbey of Saint Michael, where the barefoot Carmelites are, under the Dogana, with the Orbachi roads, it is for arms red field with white list, in which is Provenca with a rake from the head with three golden lilies, and a white barred lion, as seen in the Fountain di Saint Francis.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Petri ad Ovile inferioris: campus rubeus cum lista ad provencham cum campo albi et cum liliis et rastrello.


He began to raise this Contrada to teach a Caterpillar, when (as history tells) in the year 1370 the inhabitants of this Contrada in a number of 300 armed men ran to the Public Palace, and ordered him to change the government, and reform it in the way them, from which many Families of the Reformer Order descended. This Contrada in the year 1546 appeared with 84 young men dressed in black drape with cross-cut white lists, and they had two insignia, one green, and the other white, carried by two young men, one called Baldassarre, and the other Matteo, dressed of black velvet with golden trimmings. In the year 1680 they erected an Oratory halfway down the road, called the middle, and dedicated it to the SS. name of God, glorious invention of our Saint Bernardino, where their councils gather.