Contrada della

Rialto e Cartagine

The Contrada of Realto occupies all that road, called with this name, which above leads into Saint Martino, and below for two streets in Salicotto, near Porta Peruzzini, so called in my opinion, for being a place raised high, it is for a white field sign with a blue list, and a red barred lion, and three golden lilies.

Concistoro anno 1420: Realti et Cartaginis: campus albi cum leone rubeo sbarrato cum lista azurri et liliis ad aurum.

San Giusto

On the opposite side, the aforementioned street named Contrada di Saint Giusto, from the former Parish Church dedicated to said Saint, now annexed to that of Saint Martino, and ends at the Peruzzini Door. This Contrada in the year 1447 used to make the feast of Saint Apollonia in Saint Francesco, it is used for arms as a red field with lists of white and red waves, and above Saint Giusto.

Concistoro anno 1420: Sancti Iusti: campus rubeus cum lista ad undis rubeis et albi et cum Sancto Iusto desuper.


These three Contrade [the third is Spadaforte] represent in the shows above a large cart a viper, as they did the year 1516, in a superb festival held in Siena at the time, which was held by the Cardinal Cardinal Raphael Petrucci, as told by Tizio, who in his day was not seen the most beautiful, and magnificent of this. The year 1518 and many other times appeared with this machine again.


Tratto da "Relazione distinta delle quarantadue Contrade..." di Giovanni Antonio Pecci e "Registro di consegna dei rispettivi vessilli ai Capitani del Popolo..." ASS. Concistoro, 2371. 1 luglio 1420.

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