Contrada Priora della


It got the title of PRIORESS hosting the first meeting of the "Magistrato delle Contrade" a controlling administrative body made of all the priors of the 17 Contradas, gathered together to make laws about matters of common interest.

Incorporated by

According to some hypotheses, the sign derives from a temple dedicated to Minerva, goddess of wisdom, which stood where the church of San Cristoforo is now located, whose statue was holding an owl. Rather imaginative hypothesis as no traces or memories of this temple have ever been found and the uncertain and almost non-existent news about it would place it in the area of ​​the Duomo.

Coat of arms
A red and black badge with a crowned owlet. Two shields at its sides. On the right shield is written U, on the left one the letter M (Humbert I and Margherita of Savoy) in roman, capitol, golden letters, as per concession of the king and queen during their visit in 1887.

Red and black flag bordered in white.

I see through the night.


Lucky number


Patrono Saint and feast day
Saint Anthony from Padua June 13th (celebrated on he third Sunday of June)

Third of belonging
Terzo di SanMartino

Contrada Association
"Cecco Angiolieri" - 3, vicolo del Castellare 

Historical seat and museum
Castellare degli Ugurgieri, 5

Horse house (stable)
vicolo del Castellare, 6

Saint Anthony from Padua, built in 1930 inside the Ugurgeri Castle (Via Cecco Angiolieri) it was consecrated only after world war II. 

Baptismal font
New Baptismal font, it's a external continuation of the previous font, work by the sculptor Adolfo Micheli (1963) It is locate inside the historical base, in a shell decorated by the students of the Motta di Livensa (Treviso) artisan school. This work will continue to form central element of Civetta museum.

Website link

the NewsPaper
Il Civettino (since 1983)

Storia e costumi delle Contrade di Siena di Antonio Hercolani
  • Good&Cool
  • Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena Gli stemmi, i colori delle Contrade e le immagini del Palio sono stati utilizzati con l'approvazione del Consorzio per la Tutela del Palio di Siena e si intendono a puro scopo illustrativo. Ogni altro uso o riproduzione sono vietati salvo espressa autorizzazione del Consorzio
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